Definitions according to Oxford Dictionary online.
- a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God.
- a person who does not believe in the existence of God or gods:he is a committed atheist
The Experiment.
The experiment is simple. All you need is time, access to religious books and an open mind. The experiment is to read as many religious books as possible in order to gain knowledge to decide for yourself whether or not there is a god. You may at this point place yourself as a strong atheist, that being that you undoubtedly believe that god does not exist. So you may ask yourself why bother reading and of these books, that can be nothing more than works of fiction. And this may be true, but in order to understand the world and those around us, it is helpful to know what other think and why they think that. It is also useful if you are going to refute something that you have at least read the thing you are trying to refute. As an aside to this comment, it is good to note that if you do read any religious text, make notes of things you question, yet read the whole book first, and then review what it is you question afterwards.
Now, here is the slight problem:
Religious books are not as rare as you may think. According to wikipedia the following are classed as scripture/ religious texts/ holy books etc.
Ancient Greece
- The Akilathirattu Ammanai
- The Arul Nool
- The Kitáb-i-Aqdas
- Kitáb-i-Íqán
- and other Bahá'í literature including works from other faiths
See also: Buddhist texts
Theravada Buddhism
- The Tipitaka aka Pāli Canon
- Vinaya Pitaka
Sutta Pitaka
- Digha Nikaya, the "long" discourses.
- Majjhima Nikaya, the "middle-length" discourses.
- Samyutta Nikaya, the "connected" discourses.
- Anguttara Nikaya, the "numerical" discourses.
- Khuddaka Nikaya, the "minor collection".
- Abhidhamma Pitaka
- The Tipitaka aka Pāli Canon
- East Asian Mahayana
- The Chinese Buddhist Tripiṭaka, including
- Diamond Sutra and the Heart Sutra
- Shurangama Sutra and its Shurangama Mantra
Pure Land Buddhism
- Infinite Life Sutra
- Amitabha Sutra
- Contemplation Sutra
- other Pure Land Sutras
- Tiantai, Tendai, and Nichiren
- Shingon
- The Chinese Buddhist Tripiṭaka, including
- Tibetan Buddhism
- The Donghak Scripture
- The Songs of Yongdam
- The Sermons of Master Haeweol
- The Sermons of Revered Teacher Euiam[4]
Unless mentioned otherwise, all texts are from the Bible
- The Bible in local translations
- The Bible, including the deuterocanonical books, in the original languages and in translations considered to be faithful to the original
- Gospel of Marcion (similar to the Gospel of Luke)
- Pauline epistles
- Nag Hammadi library and other Gnostic texts (not from the Bible)
- Some books of the Old Testament and New Testament
- Latter Day Saint denominations (see Standard Works)
- The Bible in King James' version
- The Book of Mormon (not from the Bible)
- The Pearl of Great Price (not from the Bible)
- The Doctrine and Covenants (not from the Bible)
- The Bible, both the original text and translations to the vernacular
- The Book of Concord (though not considered inspired)
- The Bible in local translations, the Greek Orthodox use the original Greek, including the Anagignoskomena and Antilegomena
- The 66 Book Bible, excluding the Deuterocanonical books
- The Bible in local translations
- Some forms of Christianity
- The Apocrypha (in some Bibles)
- The Book of Enoch (in Ethiopian Orthodox Church Bible)
- The Five Classics
- The Four Books
- The Thirteen Classics
- Rasa'il al-hikmah (Epistles of Wisdom)
- Old Kingdom
- First Intermediate Period & Middle Kingdom
- Second Intermediate Period
- Hermetica, Emerald Tablet and associated writings
Main article: Hindu texts
- Mahābhārata (including the Bhagavad Gita)
- Ramayana
- Puranas (List)
- Tantras
- Sutras (List)
- Stotras
- Ashtavakra Gita
- Gherand Samhita
- Gita Govinda
- Hatha Yoga Pradipika
- Yoga Vasistha
- In Vedanta (Uttar Mimamsa)
- In Yoga
- In Samkhya
- Samkhya Sutras of Kapila
- In Nyaya
- Nyāya Sūtras of Gautama
- In Vaisheshika
- Vaisheshika Sutras of Kanada
- In Vaishnavism
- Vaikhanasa Samhitas
- Pancaratra Samhitas
- In Saktism
- Sakta Tantras
- 64 Bhairavagamas
- 28 Shaiva Agamas
- Shiva Sutras of Vasugupta
- Vijnana Bhairava Tantra
- Pashupata Sutras of Lakulish
- Panchartha-bhashya of Kaundinya (a commentary on the Pashupata Sutras)
- Ganakarika
- Ratnatika of Bhasarvajna
- Krishna-karnamrita
- Chaitanya Bhagavata
- Chaitanya Charitamrita
- Prema-bhakti-candrika
- Hari-bhakti-vilasa
- In Kabir Panth
- poems of Kabir
- In Dadu Panth
- poems of Dadu
Main article: Islamic holy books
- Qur'an (also referred to as Kuran, Koran, Qur’ān, Coran or al-Qur’ān)
- Hadith (oral traditions of the words and deeds of Muhammad)
Main article: Jain Agamas
- 11 Angas
- Secondary
- 12 Upangas, 4 Mula-sutras, 6 Cheda-sutras, 2 Culika-sutras, 10 Prakirnakas
- Secondary
- 11 Angas
- Karmaprabhrita, also called Satkhandagama
- Kashayaprabhrita
- Nonsectarian/Nonspecific
- Jina Vijaya
- Tattvartha Sutra
- GandhaHasti Mahabhashya (authoritative and oldest commentary on the Tattvartha Sutra)
- The Tanakh (Hebrew Bible)
- The Talmud
- The Tanakh
- The Tanakh with several apocrypha
- The Satanic Bible (primary text)
- The Satanic Rituals (contains additional rituals)
- Siddhanta Shikhamani
- Vachana sahitya
- Mantra Gopya
- Shoonya Sampadane
- 28 Agamas
- Karana Hasuge
- Basava Purana
- The Ginza Rba
- Book of the Zodiac
- Qolusta, Canonical Prayerbook
- Book of John the Baptizer
- Diwan Abatur, Purgatories
- 1012 Questions
- Coronation of Shislam Rba
- Baptism of Hibil Ziwa
- Haran Gawaita
- The Evangelion (Greek, Coptic: Ευαγγελιον, meaning roughly "good news"). Also known as the Gospel of Mani and The Living Gospel
- the Treasure of Life
- the Pragmateia (Coptic: πραγματεία)
- the Book of Mysteries
- the Book of Giants
- the Epistles
- the Psalms and Prayers. A Coptic Manichaean Psalter, discovered in Egypt in the early 1900s, was edited and published by Charles Allberry from Manichaean manuscripts in the Chester Beatty collection and in the Berlin Academy, 1938-9.
- The Shabuhragan
- The Arzhang
- The Kephalaia (Κεφαλαια), "Discourses", found in Coptic translation.
New Age religions Various New Age religions may regard any of the following texts as inspired:
Rastafari movement
- The Bible
- the Holy Piby
- the Kebra Negast
- The speeches and writings of Haile Selassie I
- Royal Parchment Scroll of Black Supremacy
- The Samaritan Torah
- The Kojiki
- The Nihon Shoki or Nihongi
Main article: Sikh scriptures
- The Spirits Book
- The Book on Mediums
- The Gospel According to Spiritism
- Heaven and Hell
- The Genesis According to Spiritism
- The Bible
- The works of Emanuel Swedenborg
- The Ofudesaki
- The Mikagura-uta
- The Osashizu
- Holy Books of Thelema especially The Book of the Law
- Primary religious texts, that is, the Avesta collection:
- The Yasna, the primary liturgical collection, includes the Gathas.
- The Visperad, a collection of supplements to the Yasna.
- The Yashts, hymns in honor of the divinities.
- The Vendidad, describes the various forms of evil spirits and ways to confound them.
- shorter texts and prayers, the Yashts the five Nyaishes ("worship, praise"), the Sirozeh and the Afringans (blessings).
- There are some 60 secondary religious texts, none of which are considered scripture. The most important of these are:
- The Denkard (middle Persian, 'Acts of Religion'),
- The Bundahishn, (middle Persian, 'Primordial Creation')
- The Menog-i Khrad, (middle Persian, 'Spirit of Wisdom')
- The Arda Viraf Namak (middle Persian, 'The Book of Arda Viraf')
- The Sad-dar (modern Persian, 'Hundred Doors', or 'Hundred Chapters')
- The Rivayats, 15th-18th century correspondence on religious issues
- For general use by the laity:
- The Zend (lit. commentaries), various commentaries on and translations of the Avesta.
- The Khordeh Avesta, a collection of everyday prayers from the Avesta.
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